Godot Version Manager

Godot Version Manager (gdvm) is a powerful tool that allows developers to easily install, manage, and switch between different versions of the Godot Engine.

Whether you're working on multiple projects or need to test features across various Godot versions, you'll never need to manually fuss with Godot installations again.

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To install gdvm, run the following command in your terminal:

macOS, Linux
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adalinesimonian/gdvm/main/scripts/install.sh | bash
powershell -NoProfile -Command "(iwr -useb 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adalinesimonian/gdvm/main/scripts/install.ps1').Content | iex"

Getting Started

Once installed, you can use the gdvm command to manage your Godot installations. Here are some common commands:

💡 If you pin or use a global system version, you can associate .godot files in your OS with ~/.gdvm/bin/godot.exe to automatically use either the system-wide version of Godot or the pinned version for the project directory to open that project file.

gdvm will also try to detect the Godot version from the project.godot file and use the appropriate version if it's installed, for projects that don't have a pinned version.

For more information on how to use gdvm, run gdvm --help.